
Info about Thio, Province Sud (New Caledonia)

Thio region is Province Sud, located in New Caledonia (NC).

Alternate names are Thio, latitude is -21.6166700, and longitude 166.2166700.

With a population of 2.643 occupants, this city timezone is Pacific/Noumea (Pacific/Noumea_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Thio are water sports, mines, sailboats, canoeing, horse trails, paddle, theme parks, climbing, rafting, boat rides, biking, historical sites, bridges, gardens, geological formations, kayaking, nature, scenic roads, natural places, towers, farms, lakes, rivers, diving, slopes, mountains, islands, volcanoes, countryside, ranches, desert, events, running, ancient ruins, treasure hunts, off-road trails, parachute, secret, amusement parks, valleys, docks, architectural buildings, forest, festival, trail running, religious sites, music, walkways around New Caledonia.


More details about Thio in New Caledonia (NC)

In Thio live 2.643 occupants, considering 2014 census. It’s zip code is 98829, then if you want to send anything to family by post from Thio it can be used this zip as explained.

Its area is 997 square kilometers so its a relatively large city, busy full of attractions or activities to do. Here you may find expensive accommodations because of its high room prices, so for this reason you could find Thio as a base to relax after walking this Thio.

Its elevation above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 0 mt. This is why this city is the ideal trip destination if you and your partner want to watch the sea.

Cities near Thio that you can visit are very friendly places like Boulouparis, Canala, La Foa, Païta, Yaté. As those cities are near Thio you and your friends may very quickly travel to these close destinations to visit to see other destinations in New Caledonia.

If you need more detailed information about Thio you can visit its official website

Thio things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • water sports, mines, sailboats, canoeing, horse trails, paddle, theme parks, climbing, rafting, boat rides, biking, historical sites, bridges, gardens, geological formations, kayaking, nature, scenic roads, natural places, towers, farms, lakes, rivers, diving, slopes, mountains, islands, volcanoes, countryside, ranches, desert, events, running, ancient ruins, treasure hunts, off-road trails, parachute, secret, amusement parks, valleys, docks, architectural buildings, forest, festival, trail running, religious sites, music, walkways.

    Interactive Thio (New Caledonia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Thio, Province Sud New Caledonia (NC).