
Info about Geldermalsen, Provincie Gelderland (Netherlands)

Geldermalsen is a place in Provincie Gelderland, and country is Netherlands (NL).

It is also called Gel’dermalsen, Geldermalsen, Xeldermalsen, khyldrmalsn, Гелдермалсен, Гельдермалсен, Խելդերմալսեն, خيلدرمالسن, its latitude is 51.8808300, and its longitude is 5.2888900.

With 25.734 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Amsterdam (Europe/Amsterdam_cet).

In Geldermalsen you can do kayaking, canoeing over Netherlands.


More details about Geldermalsen in Netherlands (NL)

Geldermalsen time zone is UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

Geldermalsen postal code is 4190–4191, for this reason, for post delivery from Geldermalsen it can be used 4190–4191 post code as described.

Geldermalsen meters above mean sea level or meters above sea level (MASL) counts 0 meters. For this it is a perfect travel destination when you and family want beaches and sea.

Geldermalsen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kayaking, canoeing.

    Interactive Geldermalsen (Netherlands) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Geldermalsen, Provincie Gelderland Netherlands (NL).