Info about Maşcăuţi, (Moldova)
It is also called Mascauti, Mashkaucy, Mashkauts, Mashkautsy, Mashkeuts’, Mashkeuts’, Mashkovtsy, Maşcăuţi, Meshkeutsi, Машкауцы, its latitude is 47.2906800, and longitude is 29.0011800.
With a population of 4.130 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/Chisinau (Europe/Chisinau_cet).
If you travel to Maşcăuţi you can enjoy trail running over Moldova.
More details about Maşcăuţi in Moldova (MD)
In Maşcăuţi there are 4.130 inhabitants, if we consider 2014 last census. You want to call local phone numbers? If you want to call local numbers in Maşcăuţi you can use 248 as local dialing code. Maşcăuţi zip code is MD-4830, for this reason, for sending postcards to family in Maşcăuţi this can be done by using this postal code as per description.
Maşcăuţi elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 26 meters. For this this city is a perfect place if you and your family like plain land to go to in your next travel.
For more information for this city please visit their official webpage
Maşcăuţi things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Maşcăuţi (Moldova) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Maşcăuţi, Moldova (MD).