
Info about Corjova, (Moldova)

Corjova is also called Corjova, Korzheva, Korzhevo, Korzhovo, Коржово, latitude is 47.0972400, and its longitude 29.1735600.

With 2.457 occupants, this place timezone is Europe/Chisinau (Europe/Chisinau_cet).

Top destination for parachute, kayaking, canoeing in Moldova.


More details about Corjova in Moldova (MD)

Corjova population is 2.457 citizens, related to 2014 last census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local telephones! You can use 248 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s postal code is MD-4817, then for post delivery from Corjova this can be done by using MD-4817 zip as explained.

Its altitude above sea level, basically meters above sea level (MASL) is over 91 mt. Because of this Corjova the ideal travel destination when you and firends love flat areas to travel to for your next vacation.

Corjova things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • parachute, kayaking, canoeing.

    Interactive Corjova (Moldova) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Corjova, Moldova (MD).