
Info about Vittoriosa, (Malta)

It is also called Birgu, Il-Birgu, Vittoriosa, Vittorioza, Биргу, Витториоза, its latitude is 35.8922200, and its longitude 14.5183300.

Vittoriosa population is 2.629 residents, this place timezone is Europe/Malta (Europe/Malta_cet).

In Vittoriosa you can do treasure hunts, sailboats, boat rides, docks, desert, museums, casinos, playgrounds, architectural buildings, towers, castles, fountains, events, scenic roads, climbing, islands, monuments, religious sites, farms, historical sites, hiking, tennis, hiking trails, gardens, lakes, festival, churches, cathedrals, art galleries, rivers, food, valleys, walking trails, secret, statues, countryside, volcanoes, adventure parks, hunting, adventure, slopes, ancient ruins, walkways, mountains, parks, forest, cemeteries, music, bridges, biking, natural places in Malta.


More details about Vittoriosa in Malta (MT)

In Vittoriosa there are 2.629 residents, related to 2014 latest census.

Its dimension is 0 square km. so Vittoriosa seems to be very small town good travel destination for trippers that are interested in quiet cities for a quiet base to stay, an incredibly calm town without distractions that you find in big metropolis. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels due to Vittoriosa economic room costs, and this is why you can use it like a base to visit all Malta or Vittoriosa near adventures.

Vittoriosa meters above sea level technically meters above sea level (MASL), is about 0 meters. For this it is the perfect destination if you and friends like being near the sea.

For other information on Vittoriosa have a look at its official webpage

Vittoriosa things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • treasure hunts, sailboats, boat rides, docks, desert, museums, casinos, playgrounds, architectural buildings, towers, castles, fountains, events, scenic roads, climbing, islands, monuments, religious sites, farms, historical sites, hiking, tennis, hiking trails, gardens, lakes, festival, churches, cathedrals, art galleries, rivers, food, valleys, walking trails, secret, statues, countryside, volcanoes, adventure parks, hunting, adventure, slopes, ancient ruins, walkways, mountains, parks, forest, cemeteries, music, bridges, biking, natural places.

    Interactive Vittoriosa (Malta) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Vittoriosa, Malta (MT).