
Info about Ankify, (Madagascar)

Ankify is also called Ankifi, Ankify, latitude is -13.5333300, and longitude 48.3500000.

Ankify is one of the best destinations for paddle, skydiving, canoeing, kayaking, parachute, paddleboarding, adventure parks, water sports, escape room, volcanoes, sailboats, amusement parks, countryside, theme parks, walkways, horse trails, desert, aquariums, wildlife, valleys, swimming, lakes, slopes, bridges, water parks in Madagascar.


More details about Ankify in Madagascar (MG)

It’s time zone is UTC+03:00 (during standard time).

Its elevation above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is over 0 mt. Because of this this city is the ideal trip destination if you and your family like to contemplate the sea.

For water lovers while travelling you will like the fact that you can find rivers, sea or lakes near Ankify. Water like Indian Ocean its worth visiting when you and your friends like cities with a lot of water.

Ankify things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • paddle, skydiving, canoeing, kayaking, parachute, paddleboarding, adventure parks, water sports, escape room, volcanoes, sailboats, amusement parks, countryside, theme parks, walkways, horse trails, desert, aquariums, wildlife, valleys, swimming, lakes, slopes, bridges, water parks.

    Interactive Ankify (Madagascar) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ankify, Madagascar (MG).