
Info about Taraz, (Kazakhstan)

Taraz is also called Auliye-Ata, DMB, Dzhambul, Jambul, Talas, Taras, Taraz, Taraza, Tarazas, Zhambyl, ta la ci, talajeu, taraz, tarazu, traz, Ταράζ, Тараз, Թարազ, טאראז, تاراز, تراز, طراز, ტარაზი, タラズ, 塔拉兹, 타라즈, latitude is 42.9000000, and its longitude is 71.3666700.

In Taraz are located 320.634 citizens, its timezone is Asia/Almaty (Asia/Almaty_cet).

Taraz is considered one of the best destinations for shooting ranges, water sports, desert, monuments, tennis, fishing, towers, religious sites, ancient ruins, historical sites, adventure parks, boat rides, nature, treasure hunts, natural places, countryside, valleys, statues, aquariums, art galleries, wine bars, disco, hiking, climbing, swimming, scenic roads, walking trails, hiking trails, mountains, adventure, clubs, wildlife, secret, islands, gardens, parks, museums, surf, diving, hunting, music, volcanoes, forest, off-road trails, caves, rivers, festival, castles, churches, turkish baths, beaches, scuba diving, running, farms, walkways, geological formations, nature reserves, shopping, theme parks, water parks, playgrounds, bridges, architectural buildings over Kazakhstan.


More details about Taraz in Kazakhstan (KZ)

It is the capital of Jambyl Region. It’s official name is Джамбул (H).

It’s time zone is UTC+06:00 (in standard time).

It’s population is 320.634 folks, if we consider 2009 census. Do You are looking to have a call local numbers. Local dialing code for Taraz is 7262. It’s postal code is 080000, so if you want to send anything by post on your tripyou can use this zip as per description.

Taraz square area is 187800000 km2, so Taraz is ideal for people who like big cities, crowdy full of distractions and entertainment. If you stay in this city you can find expensive hotels because of Taraz very high accommodation rates, so this is why you could find it as your basecamp in order to find SPAs and Thermal baths after visiting the Taraz.

Its meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 610 meters above sea. Because of this it is an ideal trip destination when you and your partner want high mountains to see for your next vacation and love sports on top of mountains if on a trip in a new place.

From Taraz you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, cities like Talas Region, Karaganda Region, Chuy Region. As those cities are very close you and your friends can in few time reach those other destinations for new adventures.

If you are searching for more information about Taraz go to Taraz official webpage http://taraz.zhambyl.gov.kz/.

Amazing historical finds that is worth to see for people travelling to Taraz are:

    Taraz Central Stadium

Taraz things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • shooting ranges, water sports, desert, monuments, tennis, fishing, towers, religious sites, ancient ruins, historical sites, adventure parks, boat rides, nature, treasure hunts, natural places, countryside, valleys, statues, aquariums, art galleries, wine bars, disco, hiking, climbing, swimming, scenic roads, walking trails, hiking trails, mountains, adventure, clubs, wildlife, secret, islands, gardens, parks, museums, surf, diving, hunting, music, volcanoes, forest, off-road trails, caves, rivers, festival, castles, churches, turkish baths, beaches, scuba diving, running, farms, walkways, geological formations, nature reserves, shopping, theme parks, water parks, playgrounds, bridges, architectural buildings.

    Interactive Taraz (Kazakhstan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Taraz, Kazakhstan (KZ).