
Info about Usharal, Almaty Oblysy (Kazakhstan)

Usharal is a location of Almaty Oblysy, in Kazakhstan (KZ).

Usharal names are also USJ, Ucharal, Usharal, Üsharal, its latitude is 46.1709800, and longitude 80.9422700.

Usharal has a population of 15.379 inhabitants, this city timezone is Asia/Almaty (Asia/Almaty_cet).

Usharal is famous for activities like swimming in Kazakhstan.


More details about Usharal in Kazakhstan (KZ)

It is the capital of Alakol District.

In Usharal live 15.379 inhabitants, considering 1999 latest census.

Usharal elevation above sea level called also meters above sea level (MASL), counts 0 mt. That is why this city is the ideal travel destination when you and family like the sea.

Usharal things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • swimming.

    Interactive Usharal (Kazakhstan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Usharal, Almaty Oblysy Kazakhstan (KZ).