Info about Abbadia San Salvatore, Toscana (Italy)
Abbadia San Salvatore is a quarter of Toscana, Provincia di Siena, in Italy (IT).
Abbadia San Salvatore names are also Abbadia San Salvadore, Abbadia San Salvatore, アッバディーア・サン・サルヴァトーレ, its latitude is 42.8812000, and its longitude 11.6722000.
Its population is 6.325 residents, this city timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).
Things to do in Abbadia San Salvatore are snow tubing in Italy.
More details about Abbadia San Salvatore in Italy (IT)
It is the capital of Abbadia San Salvatore.
It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).
In Abbadia San Salvatore live 6.325 residents, considering 2018 latest census. Do You are looking to dial local phones? You can use 577 as local dialing code for phone numbers. Abbadia San Salvatore postal code is 53021, then if you want to send anything to family via post on your tripyou can use the post code as per description.
Its dimension is 58 square kilometers so its a medium sized city, definitely a place worth a visit. In this town you can find cheap hotels due to their economic housing costs, so for this reason you can have Abbadia San Salvatore as your base in order to move across Italy and Abbadia San Salvatore near places.
Abbadia San Salvatore meters above sea level technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 822 meters. That is why it is the ideal destination if you and your friends like tall areas to go to in your next travel and want to do trail if tripping abroad.
Abbadia San Salvatore shares borders with for example Castiglione d’Orcia, Radicofani, San Casciano dei Bagni, Santa Fiora, Seggiano, Piancastagnaio, Castel del Piano. As those cities are near Abbadia San Salvatore you and your companions may very quickly go to those other wonderful destinations for new adventures.
It’s Patron Saint is Mark.
If you need extra data on Abbadia San Salvatore check Abbadia San Salvatore website
Abbadia San Salvatore things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Abbadia San Salvatore (Italy) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Abbadia San Salvatore, Toscana Provincia di Siena Italy (IT).