
Info about Otranto, Puglia (Italy)

Otranto region is Puglia, Provincia di Lecce, with country Italy (IT).

Other names for Otranto are Atranta, Derento, Derentò, Hydruntum, Otrantas, Otrante, Otranto, Utrantu, ao te lang tuo, awtrantw, otoranto, Òtranto, Οτράντο, Атранта, Отранто, Օտրանտո, أوترانتو, اوترانتو, اوٹرانٹو, オトラント, 奧特朗托, latitude is 40.1478900, and longitude 18.4868200.

In Otranto are located 5.799 people, this city timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Popular things to do in Otranto are beaches, disco, swimming, nightlife, clubs, kitesurfing, biking, pubs, ranches, music, mosques, kiteboarding, canoeing, bars, desert, castles, cathedrals around Italy.


More details about Otranto in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Otranto.

Otranto has timezone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Otranto there are 5.799 people, related to 2018 last census. You are looking to have a call local numbers! Use 836 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 73028, this is why if you want to send anything by post from Otranto this can be done by using the zip code as described.

Otranto dimension is 77 km2 good if you’d like to travel to a medium-sized city that can soon become, if it is not already, boomtown, in our opinion a place that you should visit. In Otranto you can save money because of their cheap room costs, so this is why you could have it as basecamp in order to visit all Italy and Otranto near things to do.

Its height above sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 15 meters. That’s why this is the perfect trip destination if you and partner love flat areas to see for your next holiday.

From Otranto you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, for example cities like Cannole, Giurdignano, Melendugno, Santa Cesarea Terme, Uggiano la Chiesa, Carpignano Salentino, Palmariggi. As those cities are very close to Otranto you and your friends can easily visit those close travel destinations to see new places in Italy.

If you are searching for more detailed information for Otranto you can have a look at their website http://www.comune.otranto.le.it.

Otranto things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • beaches, disco, swimming, nightlife, clubs, kitesurfing, biking, pubs, ranches, music, mosques, kiteboarding, canoeing, bars, desert, castles, cathedrals.

    Interactive Otranto (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Otranto, Puglia Provincia di Lecce Italy (IT).