San Felice Circeo

Info about San Felice Circeo, Lazio (Italy)

San Felice Circeo region is Lazio, Provincia di Latina, located in Italy (IT).

Other names for San Felice Circeo are San Felice Circeo, サン・フェリーチェ・チルチェーオ, latitude is 41.2371600, and longitude is 13.0941600.

With 10.054 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Top destination for national parks around Italy.


More details about San Felice Circeo in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of San Felice Circeo.

San Felice Circeo has timezone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In San Felice Circeo there are 10.054 inhabitants, if we consider 2018 census. You want to call local telephones. You can use 773 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s zip code is 04017, for this reason, for sending postcards to family in San Felice Circeo you can use this zip code as described.

San Felice Circeo dimensions are 32 km2, for this reason it should be relatively quiet city , an ideal travel destination for who like relaxing cities for their location to travel to, an incredibly quite place with no distractions typical of large urban areas. If you book an accommodation in San Felice Circeo you can find cheap hotels due to their cheap room rates, and for this reason you and your travel companions may have it like your basecamp if you want to move across Italy and San Felice Circeo near cities.

Its elevation above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 98 meters above sea. That’s why this city is a perfect place if you and friends want plain land to see for your next travel.

If you want to visit places near to San Felice Circeo you can travel to nice cities like Terracina, Sabaudia. This is why you could easily go to those other places to explore more Italy.

It’s Saint is Felice.

If you want more detailed information about this city you can visit San Felice Circeo website

San Felice Circeo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • national parks.

    Interactive San Felice Circeo (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of San Felice Circeo, Lazio Provincia di Latina Italy (IT).