
Info about Casoria, Campania (Italy)

Casoria is a town in Campania, Napoli, in Italy (IT).

It is also called Casoria, kazoria, カゾーリア, its latitude is 40.9075100, and its longitude is 14.2930000.

In Casoria are settled 77.087 residents, its timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Casoria is one of the top destinations for escape room in all Italy.


More details about Casoria in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Casoria.

Casoria time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

In Casoria there are 77.087 residents, if we consider 2018 last census. Do You want to dial local telephone numbers. You can call phone numbers by dialing 81 as local dialing code. Casoria postal code is 80026, for this reason, if you want to send anything to anyone via post on your tripyou can use the code as per description above.

Its dimension is 12 sq. kilometers, so Casoria is very relaxing city good trip destination for who are interested in small cities for an economic base location to sleep, a calm city without loudness that you find in large metropolis. If you stay in this town you save money due to its cheap rooms costs, and for this reason you may use it as base in order to visit all Italy or Casoria near places.

Casoria meters above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 70 mt. For this it is a perfect destination if you and friends want flat areas to visit in your next travel.

Near Casoria you can find beautiful cities like Afragola, Arzano, Cardito, Casalnuovo di Napoli, Casavatore, Frattamaggiore, Naples, Volla. So you and your companions may easily visit those close wonderful destinations to see new places in Italy.

Its Saint is Saint Maurus.

For data for Casoria you can visit Casoria official webpage

Casoria things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • escape room.

    Interactive Casoria (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Casoria, Campania Napoli Italy (IT).