Info about Malingping, (Indonesia)
Alternate names are Malimpang, Malingping, latitude is -6.7783800, and longitude is 106.0176700.
With 11.834.087 inhabitants, this place timezone is Asia/Jakarta (Asia/Jakarta_cet).
Some of the things you can do if you travel to Malingping are fishing in Indonesia.
More details about Malingping in Indonesia (ID)
Located in time zone UTC+07:00 (in standard time).
In Malingping live 11.834.087 inhabitants, if we consider 2014 latest census. It’s zip code is 10xxx, 40xxx,, for this reason, for post delivery on your travel you can use the post code as described.
Malingping dimension is 9662 km2, ideal for visiting a large city, crowdy with a lot of attractions or activities to do. If you stay in this city you may find expensive accommodations due to its very high accommodation prices, and this is why you may enjoy it like a base to relaxing in luxury after visiting the big city.
Its height above mean sea level that is meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), counts 99 meters above sea. This is why this is a perfect travel destination when you and your partner like plain land to go to in your next holiday.
If you want to visit places near to Malingping you can travel to cities like Jakarta, West Java, Lampung. As those cities are very close to Malingping you and your family may very quickly go to those close destinations to see other destinations in Indonesia.
There are rivers, lakes or sea very close to Malingping. Places like Indian Ocean, Java Sea, Sunda Strait are to visit when you and your friends want to visit cities surrounded by water.
If you need extra information on Malingping check its official webpage
Malingping things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Malingping (Indonesia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Malingping, Indonesia (ID).