
Info about Glodok, (Indonesia)

Glodok is also called Glodok, latitude is -6.1475000, and longitude is 106.8134000.

Things you can do in Glodok are nightlife, clubs, disco, pubs, shopping, food, bars, music, castles in all Indonesia.


More details about Glodok in Indonesia (ID)

Its elevation above mean sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is under 4 mt. Because of this this city is an ideal travel destination when you and firends love to swim in the sea.

Glodok things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • nightlife, clubs, disco, pubs, shopping, food, bars, music, castles.

    Interactive Glodok (Indonesia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Glodok, Indonesia (ID).