
Info about Kurla, State of Mahārāshtra (India)

Kurla is a city in State of Mahārāshtra, with country India (IN).

It is also called Cooria, krla, kurla, کرلا, कुर्ला, its latitude is 19.0712800, and its longitude is 72.8830400.

Kurla is famous for activities like escape room over India.


More details about Kurla in India (IN)

Kurla time zone is UTC+05:30 (valid for standard time).

Kurla postal code is 400070, so for sending postcards to friends you can use the post code as described.

Kurla altitude above mean sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 0 meters above sea. For this Kurla is an ideal place if you and your partner love seaside areas.

Kurla things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • escape room.

    Interactive Kurla (India) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Kurla, State of Mahārāshtra India (IN).