Info about Barabás, (Hungary)
latitude is 48.2333300, and longitude is 22.4333300.
With a population of 916 occupants, this city timezone is Europe/Budapest (Europe/Budapest_cet).
Barabás is considered one of the top destinations for art galleries, nightlife around Hungary.
More details about Barabás in Hungary (HU)
Barabás has timezone Central European Time (valid for standard time).
In Barabás there are 916 occupants, according to 2015 last census. You are looking to call local phones. You can use 45 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s zip code is 4937, so for sending postcards to your partner in Barabás you can use this postal code as per description above.
Barabás square area is 38 square km., so it seems to be relatively small place , a nice travel destination for travelers that like relaxing places as base location on a travel, a quiet town without confusion common of large urban areas. In Barabás you save money due to their economic hotel rates, and this is why you could have Barabás like a base to move across Hungary or Barabás near cities.
Its height above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), counts 0 mt. That’s why this is an ideal place if you and your partner want to watch the sea.
If you’re looking for more detailed data for Barabás please check Barabás official website
Barabás things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Barabás (Hungary) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Barabás, Hungary (HU).