Sham Shui Po

Info about Sham Shui Po, (Hong Kong)

Also called Sam shui po, Shamshuipo, Shan Shin Po, shen shui bu qu, 深水埗區, its latitude is 22.3302300, and longitude 114.1594500.

In Sham Shui Po are located 380.855 occupants, this region timezone is Asia/Hong_Kong (Asia/Hong_Kong_cet).

In your trip to Sham Shui Po you can do hunting, art galleries, shopping, secret, museums, walkways, food, fountains, historical sites, valleys, playgrounds, monuments, skateboard, slopes, ancient ruins, religious sites, scenic roads, water skiing, islands, statues, towers, mosques, gardens, nature, architectural buildings, events, natural places, forest, swimming, docks, mines, rivers, mountains, adventure, churches around Hong Kong.


More details about Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong (HK)

Population for Sham Shui Po is 380.855 people, if we consider 2011 census.

Its dimension is 9 sq. km. so it should be quitely quiet place a nice trip destination for who are searching for small destinations for a cheap base on a travel, a calm area with no loudness typical of big urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Sham Shui Po you save money due to its low accommodation prices, so this is why you may use it like a base in order to visit all Hong Kong or Sham Shui Po near adventures.

Sham Shui Po height above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is 0 meters. For this reason this is the perfect trip destination if you and your beloved ones like to do a trip near the sea.

From Sham Shui Po you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, very friendly places like Kwai Tsing District, Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon City District, Sha Tin District. This is why you and your friends can effortlessly reach those close wonderful destinations to see other destinations in Hong Kong.

If you’re looking for detailed information on Sham Shui Po check its website

Sham Shui Po things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hunting, art galleries, shopping, secret, museums, walkways, food, fountains, historical sites, valleys, playgrounds, monuments, skateboard, slopes, ancient ruins, religious sites, scenic roads, water skiing, islands, statues, towers, mosques, gardens, nature, architectural buildings, events, natural places, forest, swimming, docks, mines, rivers, mountains, adventure, churches.

    Interactive Sham Shui Po (Hong Kong) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong (HK).