
Info about Jutiapa, (Guatemala)

It is also called Juliapa, Jutiapa, Khutiapa, Хутиапа, its latitude is 14.2916700, and longitude is -89.8958300.

Jutiapa has a population of 489.085 occupiers, its timezone is America/Guatemala (America/Guatemala_cet).

Jutiapa is popular for hiking trails, walking trails, off-road trails in Guatemala.


More details about Jutiapa in Guatemala (GT)

Jutiapa time zone is UTC−06:00 (valid for standard time).

In Jutiapa there are 489.085 occupiers, according to 2003 last census. Jutiapa zip code is 22000, so if you want to send anything to family via post in Jutiapa you can use the post code as per description above.

Its square area is 3216 square km., so Jutiapa is a relatively large city, crowdy with a lot of attractions and entertainment. In this city you can find expensive hotels because of its very high accommodation costs, and for this reason you may enjoy it as base if you want to relax tired by visiting the metropolis.

Jutiapa height above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 0 meters. For this this is an ideal destination if you and your family like to watch the sea.

Near cities are very cool cities like Santa Ana Department, Ahuachapán Department. Because of this you and your companions may in few time reach those close trip destinations for new destinations in Guatemala.

Jutiapa things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking trails, walking trails, off-road trails.

    Interactive Jutiapa (Guatemala) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Jutiapa, Guatemala (GT).