Info about Pessac, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France)
Pessac region is Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Gironde, Arrondissement de Bordeaux, with country France (FR).
Pessac is also called Pecac, Pecac de Bordeu, Pesak, Pessac, Pessak, Pessake, Peçac, Peçac de Bordèu, pei sa ke, pesakeu, pesakku, pwsk, Песак, Пессак, Пессаке, پوسک, ペサック, 佩萨克, 페사크, latitude is 44.8056500, and longitude -0.6324000.
With a population of 63.808 inhabitants, this area timezone is Europe/Paris (Europe/Paris_cet).
In Pessac you can go for trail running around France.
More details about Pessac in France (FR)
It is the capital of canton of Pessac-1.
It’s time zone is UTC+01:00 (in standard time).
Population of Pessac is 63.808 natives, if we consider 2017 latest census. It’s zip code is 33600, this is why if you want to send anything to anyone by post in Pessac you can use the zip as described above.
Its area is 38 km2 this is why it should be quitely calm city good location for trippers that like small places for base on a trip, an incredibly calm place with no distractions common of large cities. If you stay here you save money because of its cheap accommodation rates, so for this reason you and your friends could use Pessac as basecamp in order to move across France and Pessac near things to do.
Its elevation above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 35 mt. Because of this this city is the perfect trip destination if you love flat areas to visit for your next holiday.
There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like Mérignac, Bordeaux, Cestas, Talence, Gradignan, Canéjan, Saint-Jean-d’Illac. This is why you and your friends may easily visit those other travel destinations to visit new things.
If you are searching for more detailed information on Pessac please have a look at Pessac official webpage
Pessac things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Pessac (France) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Pessac, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde France (FR).