La Bourboule

Info about La Bourboule, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France)

La Bourboule region is Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Puy-de-Dôme, Arrondissement d’Issoire, in France (FR).

Other names for La Bourboule are Bourboule, Burbul, La Borbola, La Bourboule, La-Burbul’, la bu er bu er, la bwrbwly, Бурбул, Ла-Бурбуль, لا بوربولی, 拉布尔布尔, latitude is 45.5882900, and longitude 2.7392000.

With a population of 1.789 citizens, this region timezone is Europe/Paris (Europe/Paris_cet).

La Bourboule is considered one of the top destinations for volcanoes, off-road trails around France.


More details about La Bourboule in France (FR)

It is the capital of canton of Sancy.

In La Bourboule there are 1.789 citizens, related to 2017 last census. It’s zip code is 63150, this is why if you want to send anything to your friends via post in La Bourboule you can use this postal code as per description.

La Bourboule square area is 12 sq. km. so it should be very calm area amazing travel destination for travelers that like small cities for base location on a travel, a calm countryside area without loudness common in large urban areas. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations due to its low hotel rates, so for this reason you and your friends could have La Bourboule like your base if you want to move across France and La Bourboule near cities.

Its elevation above sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 0 meters. That’s why this city is the perfect destination when you like to swim in the sea.

Cities near La Bourboule that you can visit are cities like Murat-le-Quaire, La Tour-d’Auvergne, Mont-Dore, Saint-Sauves-d’Auvergne. This is why you and your companions can in few time visit these other destinations for new France adventures.

If you need detailed information for La Bourboule have a look at La Bourboule official website

La Bourboule things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes, off-road trails.

    Interactive La Bourboule (France) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of La Bourboule, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Puy-de-Dôme France (FR).