Info about Moni, (Cyprus)
Other names for Moni are Moni, latitude is 34.7333300, and longitude is 33.2000000.
Moni has a population of 215 inhabitants, this region timezone is Asia/Nicosia (Asia/Nicosia_cet).
Moni is a popular travel destination for kitesurfing, geological formations, bridges, statues in all Cyprus.
More details about Moni in Cyprus (CY)
Moni has timezone UTC+02:00 (for standard time).
In Moni there are 215 inhabitants, according to 1973 census. It’s zip code is 4525, so if you want to send anything to anyone by post in Moni it can be used this postal code as per description above.
Moni size is 8 sq. kilometers, so it seems to be quitely relaxing place a nice travel destination for people that are searching for small destinations as an economic base location to sleep, an incredibly calm place without confusion typical of big urban areas. If you stay in this town you can find cheap hotels due to Moni economic accommodation prices, and for this reason you could use Moni as your base in order to move across Cyprus or Moni near adventures.
Its elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 60 mt. That’s why this city is an ideal trip destination if you and friends want flat land to go to in your next trip.
Near cities are cities like Monagroulli, Pyrgos. For this reason you and your friends may effortlessly reach those other trip destinations to see other destinations in Cyprus.
For water lovers in a trip you will be happy to know that you can find rivers, sea or lakes around Moni. Bodies of water like Mediterranean Sea its worth visiting if you want to visit cities with a lot of water.
Moni things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Moni (Cyprus) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Moni, Cyprus (CY).