
Info about Socotá, Departamento de Boyacá (Colombia)

Socotá is a of Departamento de Boyacá, in Colombia (CO).

It is also called Socota, Socotá, its latitude is 6.0402800, and its longitude -72.6350900.

Socotá population is 2.193 inhabitants, this area timezone is America/Bogota (America/Bogota_cet).

Best destination for mines in Colombia.


More details about Socotá in Colombia (CO)

It is the capital of Socota District.

Its dimensions are 600 sq. kilometers ideal for travelling to big cities, busy full of things to do or activities to do. If you stay here you may find expensive accommodations due to Socotá high accommodation costs, and this is why you could find it as base in order to relaxing in luxury after walking this metropolis.

Socotá altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), counts 2413 meters. For this Socotá is the perfect trip destination when you and your partner love tall land to go to in your next travel and love mountain rails if travelling to visit a new place.

If you need information for this city you can have a look at their official website

Socotá things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mines.

    Interactive Socotá (Colombia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Socotá, Departamento de Boyacá Colombia (CO).