
Info about Xilinhe, (China)

Xilinhe is also called Xilinhe, Xilinhe Xiang, xi lin he, xi lin he xiang, 细鳞河, 细鳞河乡, latitude is 42.8364700, and longitude 129.1580500.

Xilinhe has a population of 27.462.297 residents, this city timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Xilinhe are nature reserves around China.


More details about Xilinhe in China (CN)

It’s time zone is UTC+08:00 (in standard time).

Population of Xilinhe is 27.462.297 occupiers, related to 2010 last census.

Its area is 187400 km2 so its a relatively large city, busy with a lot of things to do or entertainment. If you stay in this city you may find expensive accommodations due to its very high rooms rates, and for this reason you could enjoy it as your base to getting the comfort of luxury after walking the city.

Its elevation above sea level also called meters above sea level (MASL), counts 0 meters. Because of this this city is the perfect travel destination when you and family love to watch the sea.

Near cities are for example Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Primorsky Krai, North Hamgyong Province, Ryanggang Province, Chagang Province. So you and your family could very quickly reach those other travel destinations to visit new things.

For more detailed data on this city you can have a look at its website http://www.jl.gov.cn.

Xilinhe things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • nature reserves.

    Interactive Xilinhe (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Xilinhe, China (CN).