
Info about Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Sheng (China)

Zhenjiang is a town in Jiangsu Sheng, in China (CN).

Also called Chen-chiang, Chen-chiang-ch’eng, Chen-chiang-ch’eng, Chen-chiang-hsien, Chen-chiang-shih, Chenkiang, Chinkiang, Chinkiang Fu, Chinking, Tan-t’a, Tan-t’u, Tan-t’a, Tan-t’u, Tantuhsien, ZUJ, Zhenjiang, Zhenjiang Shi, zhen jiang, zhen jiang shi, جېنجياڭ شەھىرى, 鎮江, 镇江, 镇江市, its latitude is 32.2108600, and its longitude is 119.4550800.

In Zhenjiang there are 3.113.384 inhabitants, this location timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

In Zhenjiang you can do museums, docks, food, mosques over China.


More details about Zhenjiang in China (CN)

Officially, its name is 镇江市 (苏L).

It is located in time zone UTC+08:00 (valid in period standard time).

Zhenjiang population is 3.113.384 citizenry, if we consider 2010 census. Do You want to have a call local numbers! You can call phone numbers by dialing 511 as local dialing code. Zhenjiang postal code is 212000, for this reason, if you want to send anything by post you can use the post code as described.

Its dimensions are 3848 square kilometers, ideal for travelling to big cities, crowdy full of distractions or entertainment. If you book an accommodation in Zhenjiang you may spend big money due to Zhenjiang high room prices, so for this reason you could enjoy Zhenjiang as a base if you want to relax after visiting this city.

Zhenjiang altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL) is 0 meters. For this reason Zhenjiang is a perfect trip destination when you and firends love seaside places.

Near Zhenjiang there are nice cities to visit, cities like Nanjing, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shanghai. As those cities are very close to Zhenjiang you and your friends can very quickly visit these near wonderful destinations to see new places in China.

For more info on Zhenjiang you can have a look at Zhenjiang official website http://www.zhenjiang.gov.cn/.

Zhenjiang things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • museums, docks, food, mosques.

    Interactive Zhenjiang (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Sheng China (CN).