
Info about Salal, (Chad)

It is also called Salal, its latitude is 14.8439000, and its longitude 17.2254000.

With 16.075 residents, its timezone is Africa/Ndjamena (Africa/Ndjamena_cet).

In your trip to Salal you can do volcanoes, hiking, caves in Chad.


More details about Salal in Chad (TD)

Salal time zone is UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Salal there are 16.075 residents, considering 2009 last census.

Salal meters above sea level, that is meters above sea level (MASL), is around 280 meters. For this it is the ideal destination when you and family want flat areas to travel to for your next travel.

Salal things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes, hiking, caves.

    Interactive Salal (Chad) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Salal, Chad (TD).