Info about Fianga, (Chad)
It is also called Fianga, its latitude is 9.9146000, and longitude 15.1399000.
In Fianga there are 42.606 inhabitants, this city timezone is Africa/Ndjamena (Africa/Ndjamena_cet).
For your trip to Fianga you can water sports, lakes, music, shopping around Chad.
More details about Fianga in Chad (TD)
Fianga time zone is UTC+01:00 (during standard time).
In Fianga there are 42.606 inhabitants, related to 2009 latest census.
Fianga height above sea level or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 508 mt. For this this is the perfect travel destination if you and your family love high mountains to travel to in your next travel or are willing to do trail while you are on holiday abroad.
Fianga things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Fianga (Chad) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Fianga, Chad (TD).