Sylvan Lake

Info about Sylvan Lake, Alberta (Canada)

Sylvan Lake is a quarter in Alberta, in Canada (CA).

It is also called Silvan Lejk, Силван Лејк, its latitude is 52.3110000, and its longitude is -114.0837500.

In Sylvan Lake are located 14.816 citizens, Sylvan Lake timezone is America/Edmonton (America/Edmonton_cet).

Sylvan Lake is a popular destination for beaches, swimming around Canada.


More details about Sylvan Lake in Canada (CA)

In Sylvan Lake there are 14.816 citizens, according to 2016 last census.

Its size is 23 sq. kilometers, so Sylvan Lake seems to be very calm city , a good trip destination for trippers that are interested in relaxing cities as their location to stay, a calm countryside area with no distractions typical of big cities. In this town you can save money due to its low hotel prices, so for this reason you and your travel companions could have it like your base if you want to visit all Canada or Sylvan Lake near cities.

Sylvan Lake altitude above mean sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be around 945 mt. For this Sylvan Lake is an ideal destination if you and partner want tall areas to visit for your next holiday and want to do mountain rails walking when you are on a travel abroad.

From Sylvan Lake you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, very cool cities like Rimbey, Red Deer. For this reason you and your companions may easily go to these close travel destinations for new destinations in Canada.

If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes in Sylvan Lake. Bodies of water like Sylvan Lake are a must if you want to visit destinations where you can find water.

If you’re looking for detailed data for Sylvan Lake you can visit its official website

Sylvan Lake things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • beaches, swimming.

    Interactive Sylvan Lake (Canada) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sylvan Lake, Alberta Canada (CA).