
Info about Sesan, Stung Treng (Cambodia)

Sesan is a town of Stung Treng, in Cambodia (KH).

Also called Ban Komphun, Kamphun, Kâmphŭn, Sesan, កំភុន, its latitude is 13.5532900, and its longitude 106.0922400.

Sesan population is 111.734 residents, this region timezone is Asia/Phnom_Penh (Asia/Phnom_Penh_cet).

Sesan is famous for hiking, fishing, geological formations, nature reserves, rivers, lakes, wildlife in all Cambodia.


More details about Sesan in Cambodia (KH)

It is located in time zone UTC+07:00 (for standard time).

Do You need to have a call local telephone numbers! You can use 74 as local dialing code for local phone numbers.

Its square area is 11092 sq. kilometers so Sesan is a relatively big city, busy full of attractions or activities to do. Here you can find expensive hotels due to their high room costs, so for this reason you could find Sesan like basecamp if you want to relax after visiting the big city.

Sesan altitude above sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 0 meters. For this reason Sesan is the ideal trip destination if you and your partner love to contemplate the sea.

Shares borders with for example Attapeu Province, Kratié Province, Preah Vihear Province, Ratanakiri Province. For this reason you and your friends may very quickly go to these other travel destinations to visit new things.

Sesan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hiking, fishing, geological formations, nature reserves, rivers, lakes, wildlife.

    Interactive Sesan (Cambodia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sesan, Stung Treng Cambodia (KH).