Info about Capitan, New Mexico (United States)
Capitan region is New Mexico, in United States (US).
Capitan is also called Capitan, Gray, latitude is 33.5453600, and its longitude is -105.5722000.
In Capitan are located 1.489 residents, its timezone is America/Denver (America/Denver_cet).
Things you can do if you travel to Capitan are abseiling, national parks, climbing, snorkeling, geological formations, parks, desert, forest in United States.
More details about Capitan in United States (US)
It’s time zone is Mountain Time Zone (in standard time).
Capitan population is 1.489 residents, according to 2010 latest census. It’s postal code is 88316, for this reason, for sending postcards to family this can be done by using this post code as per description.
Capitan size is 8 km2, so Capitan appears to be relatively calm area amazing solution for people that are searching for quiet destinations for their location on a trip, an incredibly calm city without confusion common in large cities. If you stay here you save money due to their low rooms rates, so for this reason you and your travel companions could have it as your base to move across United States and Capitan near adventures.
Its altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 1935 meters. Because of this Capitan is a perfect place when you like high land to go to for your next trip or are willing to do trekking if on a travel in a new place.
Capitan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Capitan (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Capitan, New Mexico United States (US).