Info about Tibiri, (Niger)
latitude is 13.5627100, and longitude is 7.0484800.
With a population of 125.806 citizens, this city timezone is Africa/Niamey (Africa/Niamey_cet).
Some of the activities you can do in Tibiri are shooting ranges, escape room, countryside around Niger.
More details about Tibiri in Niger (NE)
Tibiri has timezone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).
In Tibiri there are 125.806 citizens, if we consider 2012 last census.
Its elevation above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 350 mt. That’s why this city is a perfect travel destination when you and family want tall areas to visit in your next trip and love sports on top of mountains when on holiday far away.
Tibiri things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Tibiri (Niger) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Tibiri, Niger (NE).