Info about Chipoka, Central Region (Malawi)
Chipoka region is Central Region, with country Malawi (MW).
Other names for Chipoka are Chipoka, latitude is -13.9932900, and its longitude 34.5156600.
Chipoka has a population of 4.346 folks, this place timezone is Africa/Blantyre (Africa/Blantyre_cet).
Chipoka is a popular travel destination for docks, national parks, mines, playgrounds, desert, volcanoes, boat rides, lakes, slopes around Malawi.
More details about Chipoka in Malawi (MW)
Its meters above sea level, technically meters above sea level (MASL), should be around 0 meters above sea. That’s why it is the ideal destination if you and friends like being near the sea.
Chipoka things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Chipoka (Malawi) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Chipoka, Central Region Malawi (MW).