Info about Seffner, Florida (United States)
Seffner region is Florida, in United States (US).
latitude is 27.9836300, and its longitude -82.2756500.
With 7.579 residents, this city timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).
Seffner is popular for wakeboard in all United States.
More details about Seffner in United States (US)
It’s population is 7.579 people, according to 2010 latest census. Do You are looking to call local phones? Use 813 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 33583–33584, this is why for sending postcards to your friends it can be used the post code as per description.
Seffner dimensions are 9 square km. for this reason Seffner appears to be relatively small city good solution for who like quiet destinations as their location on a travel, a quiet countryside with no confusion common of big urban areas. If you stay in this town you can save money because of Seffner low room prices, and this is why you can use Seffner as a base if you want to move across United States and Seffner near cities.
Its meters above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 21 meters. Because of this it is the perfect place if you and your beloved ones like flat areas to go to in your next travel.
Seffner things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Seffner (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Seffner, Florida United States (US).