Info about Paternoster, Western Cape (South Africa)
Paternoster region is Western Cape, West Coast District Municipality, located in South Africa (ZA).
Alternate names are Paternoster, latitude is -32.8101600, and longitude 17.8911800.
Popular things to do in Paternoster are canoeing, kiteboarding, kayaking, kitesurfing, paddle, secret, spa, hammam, windsurfing, beaches, countryside, horse trails, turkish baths, swimming, nightlife, pubs, wine bars in South Africa.
More details about Paternoster in South Africa (ZA)
You want to dial local numbers? You can use 22 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s zip code is 7381, this is why if you want to send anything via post on your tripyou can use the zip as per description.
Its height above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 0 mt. This is why this is the perfect destination when you like beaches and sea.
Paternoster things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Paternoster (South Africa) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Paternoster, Western Cape West Coast District Municipality South Africa (ZA).