
Info about Ahlat, Bitlis (Turkey)

Ahlat region is Bitlis, situated in Turkey (TR).

Alternate names are Ahlat, Akhlat, Erkizan, Ахлат, latitude is 38.7489000, and its longitude is 42.4800700.

With 40.806 residents, Ahlat timezone is Europe/Istanbul (Europe/Istanbul_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Ahlat are religious sites, lakes around Turkey.


More details about Ahlat in Turkey (TR)

Its official name is Ahlat (13).

Located in time zone UTC+03:00 (for standard time).

In Ahlat live 40.806 residents, if we consider 2018 latest census. Do You need to dial local telephones! Local dialing code for Ahlat is 434. It’s postal code is 13400, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your family via post in Ahlat it can be used this zip code as per description above.

Ahlat dimension is 989 sq. kilometers, ideal for visiting a big city, crowdy with a lot of things to do or entertainment. Here you can find expensive hotels because of its very high room costs, so for this reason you can find Ahlat as base to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting this big city.

Its altitude above mean sea level basically meters above sea level (MASL), is under 1650 mt. This is why Ahlat is a perfect destination when you and your partner love high mountains to see for your next vacation and want to do trekking when you are on a trip in a new country.

If you want to visit places near to Ahlat you can travel to beautiful cities like Ağrı Province, Muş Province, Siirt Province, Van Province. As those cities are very close you and your companions could very quickly reach these other destinations to see new places in Turkey.

For detailed information on this city see its official website http://www.ahlat.gov.tr/.

Ahlat things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • religious sites, lakes.

    Interactive Ahlat (Turkey) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ahlat, Bitlis Turkey (TR).