Info about Mejicanos, (El Salvador)
Alternate names are Mejicanos, Mekhikanos, Mexicanos, Мехиканос, latitude is 13.7239700, and longitude is -89.1880000.
In Mejicanos live 1.002 occupants, its timezone is America/El_Salvador (America/El_Salvador_cet).
Some of the things you can do if you travel to Mejicanos are hunting, mosques, forest, running, mines, towers, shooting ranges, castles, rivers, music, nightlife, off-road trails, valleys, events, trail running, religious sites around El Salvador.
More details about Mejicanos in El Salvador (SV)
In Mejicanos live 1.002 occupants, according to 1862 latest census.
Its height above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 630 mt. This is why this is an ideal place if you and partner like high land to travel to for your next vacation and want to do trekking when you are on a travel to visit a new place.
If you want more detailed information on Mejicanos check its website
Mejicanos things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Mejicanos (El Salvador) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Mejicanos, El Salvador (SV).