Info about Lozorno, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Lozorno region is Bratislava, Okres Malacky, and country is Slovakia (SK).
Other names for Lozorno are Lozorno, Lozornó, latitude is 48.3336400, and longitude is 17.0432200.
With 3.022 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Bratislava_cet).
Some of the things you can do if you travel to Lozorno are shooting ranges, playgrounds, golf in Slovakia.
More details about Lozorno in Slovakia (SK)
It’s official name is Lozorno (MA).
In Lozorno there are 3.022 inhabitants, if we consider 2017 latest census. You are looking to have a call local people? Local dialing code for Lozorno is 2. It’s zip code is 900 55, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends by post on your tripit can be used the postal code as explained.
Lozorno size is 44 square km., so it is quitely calm town suggested travel destination for who are searching for quiet destinations as a cheap base to travel to, a quiet city without distractions typical of big cities. In this town you can save money due to Lozorno low housing prices, so this is why you and your friends can have Lozorno like your base to move across Slovakia and Lozorno near adventures.
Its elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 188 meters. That’s why this city is a perfect trip destination when you and your partner like flat areas to go to for your next travel.
If you are searching for extra data on Lozorno please visit its official webpage
Lozorno things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Lozorno (Slovakia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Lozorno, Bratislava Okres Malacky Slovakia (SK).