
Info about Šurany, Nitra (Slovakia)

Šurany is a city in Nitra, Okres Nové Zámky, situated in Slovakia (SK).

It is also called Nagysurany, Nagysurány, Shurani, Shurany, Suran, Surani, Surany, Surány, shu la ni, shurani, shwran, Şuran, Šurani, Šurany, Шурани, Шураны, شوران, シュラニ, 舒拉尼, its latitude is 48.0861300, and longitude is 18.1844700.

In Šurany there are 9.878 people, this city timezone is Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Bratislava_cet).

If you travel to Šurany you can enjoy kitesurfing, skateboard, golf, abseiling, windsurfing, surf, casinos around Slovakia.


More details about Šurany in Slovakia (SK)

Officially, its name is Šurany (NZ).

Šurany time zone is UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

In Šurany there are 9.878 people, if we consider 2017 last census. You want to have a call local people. You can use 35 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. Šurany zip code is 942 01, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends by post it can be used this code as described above.

Šurany area is 59 sq. kilometers, so Šurany is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, in our opinion a town that you should visit. If you stay here you can save money due to its cheap accommodation prices, so for this reason you can use it like your basecamp if you want to visit all Slovakia or Šurany near places.

Šurany height above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be about 123 mt. For this this is a perfect trip destination when you and family want plain land to visit for your next vacation.

If you need detailed info for Šurany please check its website http://www.surany.sk.

Šurany things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kitesurfing, skateboard, golf, abseiling, windsurfing, surf, casinos.

    Interactive Šurany (Slovakia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Šurany, Nitra Okres Nové Zámky Slovakia (SK).