Črna na Koroškem

Info about Črna na Koroškem, (Slovenia)

It is also called Crna, Crna na Koroskem, Črna, Črna na Koroškem, its latitude is 46.4704500, and longitude is 14.8500900.

In Črna na Koroškem there are 2.409 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Ljubljana (Europe/Ljubljana_cet).

Črna na Koroškem is a popular destination for treasure hunts, art galleries, mines, off-road trails around Slovenia.


More details about Črna na Koroškem in Slovenia (SI)

Črna na Koroškem time zone is UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

Črna na Koroškem zip code is 2398, so if you want to send anything to family via post on your tripyou can use the postal code as explained.

Its square area is 7 km2, so it is very small place suggested solution for people that are interested in relaxing cities for a cheap base location on a travel, a calm town without distractions that you find in big metropolis. If you stay in this town you can find cheap hotels due to their economic housing prices, so for this reason you and your friends can use it as a base if you want to visit all Slovenia and Črna na Koroškem near adventures.

Črna na Koroškem height above mean sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL) counts 574 meters. For this this is an ideal destination if you and your family want high areas to go to for your next trip and want to do climbing when on a trip somewhere in the world.

If you need more detailed data for Črna na Koroškem please check Črna na Koroškem official website http://www.crna.si/.

Črna na Koroškem appears to be one of the sites for World Heritage classified by UNESCO attribution, starting from +1994.

Črna na Koroškem things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • treasure hunts, art galleries, mines, off-road trails.

    Interactive Črna na Koroškem (Slovenia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Črna na Koroškem, Slovenia (SI).