
Info about Nikola-Lenivets, Kaluzhskaya Oblast’ (Russia)

Nikola-Lenivets is a city in Kaluzhskaya Oblast’, located in Russia (RU).

Nikola-Lenivets names are also Nikola Lenivets, Nikola-Lenivec, Nikola-Lennvets, Nikolo-Lenivec, Никола-Ленивец, Николо-Ленивец, its latitude is 54.7494300, and longitude is 35.6013300.

In Nikola-Lenivets are located 1.200 people, this region timezone is Europe/Moscow (Europe/Moscow_cet).

If you travel to Nikola-Lenivets you can enjoy water sports in Russia.


More details about Nikola-Lenivets in Russia (RU)

Nikola-Lenivets zip code is 249866, for this reason, if you want to send anything via post on your travel it can be used the code as per description.

Nikola-Lenivets elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is over 0 mt. That is why this city is a perfect destination when you and firends love to be near the sea.

For extra information for Nikola-Lenivets please have a look at its official website

Nikola-Lenivets things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • water sports.

    Interactive Nikola-Lenivets (Russia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Nikola-Lenivets, Kaluzhskaya Oblast’ Russia (RU).