Info about Trnski Odorovci, Central Serbia (Serbia)
Trnski Odorovci is a village of Central Serbia, Pirot, in Serbia (RS).
Also called Odorovci, Trnski Odorovci, Trnsko Odbrovce, Trnsko Odorovce, Trnsko Odorovci, its latitude is 42.9422100, and longitude 22.6200300.
For your trip to Trnski Odorovci you can beaches around Serbia.
More details about Trnski Odorovci in Serbia (RS)
It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (during standard time).
Trnski Odorovci height above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 806 meters. For this reason this is the ideal travel destination if you and partner love high land to travel to for your next travel or are willing to do trail if on a vacation somewhere in the world.
Trnski Odorovci things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Trnski Odorovci (Serbia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Trnski Odorovci, Central Serbia Pirot Serbia (RS).