Info about Fort-Shevchenko, (Kazakhstan)
Also called Fort Aleksandrovsk, Fort Aleksandrovskiy, Fort Uritskogo, Fort-Schewtschenko, Fort-Shevchenko, Форт-Шевченко, its latitude is 44.5065400, and its longitude is 50.2638800.
Its population is 4.888 occupants, this place timezone is Asia/Aqtau (Asia/Aqtau_cet).
Fort-Shevchenko is famous for beaches in Kazakhstan.
More details about Fort-Shevchenko in Kazakhstan (KZ)
It is the capital of Tupkaragan District.
It’s population is 4.888 citizens, considering 2009 latest census. Fort-Shevchenko postal code is 130500, so if you want to send anything to anyone via post on your tripit can be used the code as explained.
Its size is 54 sq. km., so its a medium sized city, definitely a city that you should visit. If you book an accommodation in Fort-Shevchenko you can save money due to their economic rooms rates, so for this reason you can use it as base if you want to visit all Kazakhstan or Fort-Shevchenko near things to do.
Fort-Shevchenko meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is over 25 meters above sea. For this reason it is an ideal destination when you and firends love plain areas to see for your next vacation.
Fort-Shevchenko things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Fort-Shevchenko (Kazakhstan) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Fort-Shevchenko, Kazakhstan (KZ).