Info about Minamiuonuma, Niigata-ken (Japan)
Minamiuonuma region is Niigata-ken, and country is Japan (JP).
Other names for Minamiuonuma are Minamiuonuma, nan yu zhao, 南魚沼, latitude is 37.0825900, and its longitude is 138.8741300.
In Minamiuonuma are settled 61.624 inhabitants, Minamiuonuma timezone is Asia/Tokyo (Asia/Tokyo_cet).
Things you can do if you travel to Minamiuonuma are snow tubing, snowboard, slopes, skiing over Japan.
More details about Minamiuonuma in Japan (JP)
Minamiuonuma has timezone UTC+09:00 (valid in period standard time).
In Minamiuonuma there are 61.624 inhabitants, if we consider 2010 latest census.
Minamiuonuma dimension is 584 square kilometers, ideal for visiting a big city, crowdy with a lot of distractions and activities to do. In this city you may find expensive accommodations because of their very high room prices, and this is why you may enjoy it as base if you want to find SPAs and Thermal baths after going around the big city.
Its meters above mean sea level that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 0 meters. That’s why it is a perfect destination if you and your friends want to contemplate the sea.
If you need more data on Minamiuonuma you can visit Minamiuonuma website
Minamiuonuma things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Minamiuonuma (Japan) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Minamiuonuma, Niigata-ken Japan (JP).