Gardone Val Trompia

Info about Gardone Val Trompia, Lombardia (Italy)

Gardone Val Trompia is a place in Lombardia, Provincia di Brescia, with country Italy (IT).

It is also called Gardone Val Trompia, ガルドーネ・ヴァル・トロンピア, its latitude is 45.6913700, and longitude is 10.1863500.

Its population is 11.538 people, this area timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

In Gardone Val Trompia you can do hunting, shooting ranges around Italy.


More details about Gardone Val Trompia in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Gardone Val Trompia.

Gardone Val Trompia time zone is UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Gardone Val Trompia there are 11.538 people, according to 2018 last census. You are looking to dial local numbers. Use 30 if you are calling local phone numbers. Gardone Val Trompia zip code is 25063, so if you want to send anything via post from Gardone Val Trompia it can be used 25063 zip as per description.

Its dimensions are 26 square kilometers, this is why it is very small area , ideal solution for travelers that like quiet cities for base to sleep, a calm town with no distractions typical of big metropolis. If you stay here you can save money due to its low room prices, so this is why you may have Gardone Val Trompia as basecamp in order to move across Italy or Gardone Val Trompia near things to do.

Gardone Val Trompia elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is about 282 meters. For this this city is an ideal destination if you want plain ground to go to for your next vacation.

Gardone Val Trompia shares borders with for example cities like Marone, Sale Marasino, Marcheno, Polaveno, Sarezzo. So you and your companions can in few time travel to these near destinations to see other destinations in Italy.

If you are searching for detailed information for Gardone Val Trompia please check its official website

Gardone Val Trompia things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hunting, shooting ranges.

    Interactive Gardone Val Trompia (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Gardone Val Trompia, Lombardia Provincia di Brescia Italy (IT).