Santa Caterina

Info about Santa Caterina, Lombardia (Italy)

Santa Caterina is a quarter in Lombardia, Provincia di Sondrio, located in Italy (IT).

Santa Caterina names are also Santa Caterina Valfurva, Valturva, its latitude is 46.4129300, and its longitude is 10.4920500.

Its population is 233 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

One of the top destinations for paddle, kayaking, canoeing, turkish baths, paddleboarding, spa, snowboard, cathedrals, beaches, skiing, slopes, churches in Italy.


More details about Santa Caterina in Italy (IT)

Do You want to have a call local people. Use 342 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Santa Caterina postal code is 23030, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends by post from Santa Caterina it can be used this zip as described above.

Santa Caterina meters above mean sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 mt. That is why it is a perfect trip destination if you and friends want to do a sea travel.

For other info about Santa Caterina go to its official webpage

Santa Caterina things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • paddle, kayaking, canoeing, turkish baths, paddleboarding, spa, snowboard, cathedrals, beaches, skiing, slopes, churches.

    Interactive Santa Caterina (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Santa Caterina, Lombardia Provincia di Sondrio Italy (IT).