
Info about Napasoq, (Greenland)

Other names for Napasoq are Napasok, Napasoq, Napassok, Napassoq, QJT, latitude is 65.0500000, and longitude is -52.4000000.

Napasoq population is 77 citizens, Napasoq timezone is America/Godthab (America/Godthab_cet).

Things you can do in Napasoq are kayaking over Greenland.


More details about Napasoq in Greenland (GL)

In Napasoq there are 77 citizens, if we consider 2018 latest census.

Napasoq square area is 0 square km., so it seems to be nicely quiet city , a nice destination for who are interested in relaxing places for location on a trip, an incredibly calm area with no distractions common in big urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Napasoq you can find cheap accommodations because of their cheap accommodation prices, and this is why you and your travel companions could use Napasoq as base in order to visit all Greenland or Napasoq near cities.

Its elevation above mean sea level that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is about 0 mt. That’s why this city is a perfect travel destination when you and your partner love being near the sea.

Napasoq things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kayaking.

    Interactive Napasoq (Greenland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Napasoq, Greenland (GL).