Info about Khashuri, Shida Kartli (Georgia)
Khashuri is a location in Shida Kartli, located in Georgia (GE).
Khashuri names are also Chaschuri, Chasjoeri, Chasjuri, Chasuri, Chasuris, Chaszuri, Chašuri, Chašuris, Hasuri, Haxuri, Hašuri, Hașuri, Jashuri, Khachouri, Khachuri, Khashur, Khashuri, Khasuri, Khašuri, Mikhailovo, Mikhaylovo, Stalinissi, Xasuri, ha shu li, khashuri, khashwry, Хашур, Хашури, Хашурі, Խաշուրի, חאשורי, خاشوری, ხაშური, 哈舒里, its latitude is 41.9941400, and longitude is 43.5999400.
Khashuri population is 28.500 occupants, this place timezone is Asia/Tbilisi (Asia/Tbilisi_cet).
If you travel to Khashuri you can enjoy mosques, towers around Georgia.
More details about Khashuri in Georgia (GE)
It is the capital of Khashuri Municipality.
It has timezone UTC+04:00 (in standard time).
In Khashuri live 28.500 occupants, according to 2002 census. You need to use telephone for calling local numbers? You can use 995 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Khashuri zip code is 5700–5799, so for post delivery on your tripyou can use this zip as per description above.
Its dimension is 585 km2, ideal for people who like metropolies, busy full of distractions and activities to do. If you stay in this city you can find expensive hotels due to their very high accommodation prices, and this is why you could enjoy it like a base in order to relax after visiting this city.
Khashuri height above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), counts 590 mt. That is why this is an ideal travel destination if you and your family like high mountains to go to for your next trip and love sports on top of mountains while you are on vacation to see a new place.
If you want detailed info about Khashuri please visit their official website
Khashuri things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Khashuri (Georgia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Khashuri, Shida Kartli Georgia (GE).