
Info about Alahärmä, Etelä-Pohjanmaa (Finland)

Alahärmä region is Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Seinäjoki, and country is Finland (FI).

Alahärmä is also called Alahaermae, Alahärmä, latitude is 63.2333300, and longitude 22.8500000.

With a population of 4.717 residents, this city timezone is Europe/Helsinki (Europe/Helsinki_cet).

Things you can do in Alahärmä are amusement parks, adventure parks, theme parks, water parks around Finland.


More details about Alahärmä in Finland (FI)

It’s time zone is Eastern European Time (valid for standard time).

Population of Alahärmä is 4.717 occupiers, if we consider 2007 census.

Its area is 353 square km. great if you want to visit a medium size city, in our opinion a town that you should visit. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels because of their cheap room costs, and for this reason you may have Alahärmä as a base if you want to move across Finland or Alahärmä near places.

Its elevation above sea level, technically meters above sea level (MASL) is around 0 mt. Because of this this city is the ideal trip destination if you and your family like seaside areas.

If you’re looking for detailed info for Alahärmä check its official website

Alahärmä things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • amusement parks, adventure parks, theme parks, water parks.

    Interactive Alahärmä (Finland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Alahärmä, Etelä-Pohjanmaa Seinäjoki Finland (FI).