Info about Shalateen, (Egypt)
latitude is 23.1323500, and its longitude 35.5909400.
In Shalateen live 6.731 citizens, this region timezone is Africa/Cairo (Africa/Cairo_cet).
Top destination for national parks, mines, parks, fishing, countryside, hammam around Egypt.
More details about Shalateen in Egypt (EG)
Shalateen has timezone UTC+02:00 (valid in period standard time).
In Shalateen there are 6.731 citizens, considering 2006 last census.
Its meters above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 10 meters. That’s why it is the ideal trip destination if you and friends love to watch the sea.
Shalateen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Shalateen (Egypt) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Shalateen, Egypt (EG).