Info about Stožec, Jihočeský kraj (Czechia)
Stožec region is Jihočeský kraj, Okres Prachatice, in Czechia (CZ).
Stožec is also called Tusset, latitude is 48.8593600, and longitude is 13.8214200.
Stožec population is 201 people, its timezone is Europe/Prague (Europe/Prague_cet).
Stožec is one of the best destinations for windsurfing over Czechia.
More details about Stožec in Czechia (CZ)
Population of Stožec is 201 residents, related to 2019 last census. It’s zip code is 384 44, so for post delivery this can be done by using the postal code as described above.
Stožec size is 104 km2, so its a mid-sized city, in our opinion a town worth visiting. Here you can save money because of their economic accommodation costs, and this is why you can use Stožec like base in order to visit all Czechia or Stožec near cities.
Its elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 780 meters. Because of this this city is an ideal travel destination when you and your partner love high areas to go to in your next holiday and want to do winter sports if on a trip abroad.
Shares borders with for example cities like Volary, Želnava, Nová Pec, Strážný, Lenora, Haidmühle. For this reason you and your family could easily reach those other destinations to explore more Czechia.
If you are searching for more information about this city see its official webpage
Stožec things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Stožec (Czechia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Stožec, Jihočeský kraj Okres Prachatice Czechia (CZ).