Info about Vlachovo Březí, Jihočeský kraj (Czechia)
Vlachovo Březí region is Jihočeský kraj, Okres Prachatice, situated in Czechia (CZ).
Alternate names are Vlakhovo Brezi, Wallischbirken, Wällischbirken, Влахово Брези, latitude is 49.0813500, and its longitude 13.9584200.
With 1.713 folks, this city timezone is Europe/Prague (Europe/Prague_cet).
Things you can do if you travel to Vlachovo Březí are ranches in Czechia.
More details about Vlachovo Březí in Czechia (CZ)
In Vlachovo Březí live 1.713 folks, related to 2019 last census. It’s postal code is 384 22, this is why if you want to send anything to your family via post from Vlachovo Březí it can be used 384 22 post code as per description above.
Vlachovo Březí size is 19 sq. km. so Vlachovo Březí appears to be very small place ideal travel destination for travelers that are searching for relaxing cities as location on a trip, a calm city without distractions that you find in large urban areas. If you book an accommodation in Vlachovo Březí you can find cheap accommodations due to Vlachovo Březí low hotel costs, and for this reason you and your friends may use it like your basecamp in order to move across Czechia or Vlachovo Březí near adventures.
Its altitude above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is under 525 mt. This is why Vlachovo Březí is the perfect destination if you and your friends want high mountains to see for your next vacation or are willing to do mountain rails walking when you are on holiday to see a new place.
If you want to visit places near to Vlachovo Březí you can travel to very friendly places like Pěčnov, Chlumany, Žárovná, Lažiště, Bušanovice, Újezdec, Lipovice, Dvory, Zálezly, Budkov, Radhostice. Because of this you and your companions could effortlessly visit those other destinations to explore more Czechia.
If you want extra information for this city please check its website
Vlachovo Březí things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Vlachovo Březí (Czechia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Vlachovo Březí, Jihočeský kraj Okres Prachatice Czechia (CZ).